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HomePersonal FinanceIntegral Guidelines For Hitting Your Monetary Goals

Integral Guidelines For Hitting Your Monetary Goals

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Learning to track one’s personal finances is an important process, no matter how much money is involved. If you think you do not make enough money to consider organizing your finances better, think again! Good personal finance skills are perhaps most important when your budgets are tight and you need to get the most out of every penny.

Scheduling a long car journey for the right time of year can save the traveler a lot of time and money. In general, the height of summer is the busiest time on the roads. If the distance driver can make his or her trip during other seasons, he or she will encounter less traffic and lower gas prices.

Improve your personal finance by checking out a salary wizard calculator and comparing the results to what you are currently making. If you find that you are not at the same level as others, consider asking for a raise. If you have been working at your place of employee for a year or more, than you are definitely likely to get what you deserve.

A good rule of thumb for savings, is to put away 10% of your income each payday into a savings account. Make sure that you don’t have a debit or credit card linked to this account, as it is too tempting to spend it if you find something you can’t seem to live without.

If you want to make the most of your assets, you should consider getting a rewards credit card. Depending on your lifestyle, you may be better off to get the card that offers the best cash rewards, or the largest number of airline miles. You should get the credit card that best fits your spending habits. It can return assets to you for spending money that you would spend anyway. The bottom line is always pay the balance in full every month and don’t be tempted to spend more money just to qualify for additional rewards.

Write down numbers for contacting service providers such as your credit cards and bank in the event of loss or theft. With these toll-free numbers at hand, reporting and canceling will be much easier. They will also help if you need to find locations to get cash quickly. Store these numbers in your phone as well, but keep a written copy in case of phone issues.

For parents who want to get personal finances on their child’s mind as early as possible giving them an allowance can create a cash flow for them to develop their skills with. An allowance will teach them to save for desired purchases and how to manage their own money. Also the parent is still there to help them along.

To conserve water and save money on your monthly bill, check out the new breed of eco-friendly toilets. Dual-flush toilets require the user to push two separate buttons in order to flush, but work just as effectively as a regular toilet. Within weeks, you should notice decreases in your household water usage.

Get into a real savings habit. The hardest thing about savings is forming the habit of setting aside money — of paying yourself first. Rather than berate yourself each month when you use up all your funds, be sneaky and set up an automatic deduction from your main bank account into a savings account. Set it up so that you never even see the transaction happening, and before you know it, you’ll have the savings you need safely stashed away.

Drink water when you are eating out! Some restaurants charge almost $3.00 for a soda or glass of tea! When you’re trying to manage your personal finances you just can’t afford that! Order water instead. You’ll still be able to eat out on occasion but over the long run you’ll save a bundle in the cost of drinks alone!

Make it a habit to review your credit report often. You are entitled to a free credit report every year, and there are other ways to monitor it for little to no cost. Check your report twice every year for mistakes or to make sure no one has tried stealing your identity.

Start planning your retirement early. Take advantage of everything your employer offers in terms of pension contributions, and invest as much as possible in an IRA. Don’t underestimate the cost of retirement: most people need 70 percent of their current income to live comfortably, and Social Security only covers about 30 percent.

To save money, instead of going to the movies, consider renting one. By renting a movie instead of going to a theater, you are saving gas, you do not have to pay ridiculous prices at the concession stand, and you do not have to buy a ticket. Many cable providers even allow you to purchase a movie from your TV for a small price.

Be sure to satisfy the credit counseling requirement for both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The bankruptcy reform law that was passed in 2005 requires that anyone who enters bankruptcy must complete an accredited credit counseling course before the bankruptcy can be discharged. Don’t get taken by sharks. Many non-profit Consumer Credit Counseling Services (CCCS) branches offer low-cost courses that meet the requirements.

These are just a few of the steps you can take to improve your personal finance skills. Trying some of them out will probably save you money – and once you see results, you will want to find out more. Keep researching money management and see just how well you can handle your personal finances.

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